"Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love, and then for a few close friends, and then for money."
-- Molière
Actor Fic: pushing the limits of fandom
As Songfic is to Vids
Baby-speak, Meet Spork
The Chesire Cat Syndrom
Confessions of a Former Zine Slut
Diary of a Feedback Whore
The Evolution Of A Smut Writer
"Eeew! *Girls*! They get in the way of twuuu m/m lurrrv!"
The Evil of the Epithet
The Fanfic Reader's Unspoken Rule(s)
Fanon and Writing Fallacies
The Herc/Xena Mary Sue Test
How To Improve Your Slash Fanfic
Let's Talk Plagiarism by Tham and Erin
LiveJournal vs. the Mailing Lists
The Mannerly Author
Rape and Sexual Violence in Fic: A Defense
Time traveling for the modern woman: Part 1 - Nothing But the Tooth
Book Reviews
"My Lord Vampire" by Debbie Raleigh
"My Lord Eternity" by Debbie Raleigh
"Knowing Patrick" by Emily Veinglory
"Tongue Tied" by Emily Veinglory
"Seeing a Man About a Horse" by Lorne Rodman
"Guardian of Honor" by Robin D. Owens
"Northern Lights" by Nora Roberts
"Master of Ecstasy" by Nina Bangs
"Among the Living: a Psycop Novel" by Jordan Castillo Price
"Without Reservations" by J. L. Langley
"With Love" by J. L. Langley
"Taboo: One for the Money" by Willa Okati
"Diary of a Vampire" by S.M. Royston
Hercules, Xena and Young Hercules episode studies
Render Unto Caesar, Norse by Norsevest, Over the Rainbow Bridge and Darkness Rising
Fade Out
Love, Amazon Style
For Him the Bell Tolls
A Comedy of Eros
The Quill Is Mightier... and The Bitter Suite
The Key to the Kingdom
Lyre, Lyre, Hearts On Fire
Sixth Season
Young Hercules
Between Friends