The Fanfic Readers Unspoken Rule(s)
by Mythdefied
March, 2005

Most of us have ranted on the usual subjects, characterization, grammar, writing technique, etc. But do any of you have "unspoken" nitpicks/rules of thumb? Things that you wouldn't mention because it's too generalized or would be too likely to get you flamed?

I was thinking about this because I was just over on one of the due South archives and I ran across something that pinged one of my "rules." It's not something I've ever mentioned to more than a couple people in private emails because it is a generalization and it's likely to generate flames and hurt feelings. Which is why this is friends locked.

The Rule: The author with more than ten stories archived over the last three months is the author to avoid; the stories will suck. This can also be applied to an archive in general or a personal website: the author with more than a dozen stories is likely a badfic author.

Of course, this rule needs clarification. If I already know the author and the high quality of their work, that's a completely different matter and the rule doesn't apply (chances are that said author is just archiving already completed stories anyway). This rule usually doesn't apply to an author who has amassed a large body of work over a number of years either. And I do mean years. Not one year, or usually even two, but three on up. In that case, I'm more than willing to give their work a chance because they've had that long to build up a collection of stories. (However, if it's an absolutely huge collection, many hundreds or something, then I'll have a few more reservations.)

This rule applies to the author who has an incredibly large number of stories to their name and has only been writing for a year or less. Or for the author who seems to come out with a story a day, fifteen stories a month, something like that. Those are the ones that set off my WARNING: BADFIC! alarms.

This rule derives from experiences I've had in all the big fandoms I've read in. As a newbie to online slash (seven years ago!), I'd plow through all the archives and read anything I could get my paws on. So, of course I ran into the badfic. And I also began seeing the pattern with certain authors. So the rule developed.

It's not, however, a very nice rule or even one that's always true. There are exceptions, I'm sure, but I rarely see them anymore because I tend to abide by my rule and don't venture near the more prolific authors -- unless, of course, I see reccs from people I know and trust in their fic tastes.

Anyone else have something similar to this "rule," or an interesting "rule" of their own? I'm curious to find out.

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