Most zines in the past fell under this category. The technical writing
was either pretty good or passable, the layout was if not wonderful,
then at least not an eyesore and most of the stories were readable with
only a few bad apples in the bunch. For the most part you'd be better
off waiting for all of these stories to be published online, but there
are one or two that might be worth the money. The following are a few
examples of what I'd call "decent" zines.
Note: I will state
outright that anything by the authors TM Alexander or PJ Alexander will
fit in this category, likely heading more towards the mediocre end of
things. These are two authors whose stories are just...unexceptional.
They'd do very well in the world of online fanfic, but these aren't
stories that you really want to pay money to read. Their plots can
range from not bad to pretty darn thin, the characterization is almost
always borderline and the writing can verge on purple. The fact that
they publish out of AWS doesn't help, as the stories are always epithet
filled. I've bought zines by these authors in four different fandoms
over the years (
due South,
Invisible Man,
The Sentinel and
Smallville) and the quality of
their writing remains consistently average to poor throughout.
Alternate Sentinel features all
AU Jim/Blair stories. This is probably the best zine I ever found in The Sentinel fandom. I've since
lost any interest in that fandom but I kept that zine the longest
because it had some of the most intriguing stories. There are too many
average and very shaky stories for this to make it into the best in
fandom category, but there are also some pretty good stories to be
found. It's a large zine with a good layout and format and the
technical side of things isn't half bad. I'd recommend this one if
you're into The Sentinel
fandom. Available through Agent With Style.
As a side note, I should mention that AUs were
always my favorite
stories and I thought that most of the non-AUs in zines were far too
OOC and heavy with the chick-flick schmoop. I never ran across anything
that needed to be in the "worst in fandom" category, but some --
especially the ones by TM Alexander or PJ Alexander -- came very close.
There are probably a couple hundred
zines out there and I only purchased one or two dozen over the years,
but overall I've found that schmoop and purpleness are the catchwords
for that fandom. It's why I lost my interest in it.
Body Heat 3,
South, F/RK, while
being fairly good, technically speaking, just doesn't have the impact
of its two predecessors. The stories aren't nearly as well constructed,
nor are the characterizations as true to the show. Of course there are
some very good stories in this zine, it wouldn't have made the average
list otherwise, but the majority of the stories are forgettable.
through Lionheart
Distribution. Many of the stories can also now be found on The Due South Fiction Archive.
Grey from the due South
fandom, F/RK. This might well have made it into the "best in fandom"
category. Tense plot (realistically deals with rape and Ray's denial),
good technical aspects, good layout, but it really looks like the
author just got tired of writing the story. It's like the last chapters
are just missing. The story is wrapped up with a few paragraphs when it
should've been a few dozen to hundred pages. I really felt cheated by
the ending, like I'd missed something important. It's a disappointing
zine in that aspect.
[Nov. 2007] I recently went and reread this story and its sequels,
which Grey finally finished. While the first story still held up well
enough, despite the "hanging" feeling it would've left me with, I wish
I'd avoided the sequels. When the author has to deal with a world
outside of Ray and Fraser, the writing goes severely downhill. This
story and its sequels available at Grey's website: Grey's Corner.
It should be noted that almost all due
South zines fall into this average category. Some are better
than others but none of them ever reach the high standards of the ones
listed in the "best in fandom" category.
Chronicles of the
Heart volumes 1 and 2 are Highlander
zines featuring Duncan/Methos stories. The layout is quite lovely, the
technical writing is good, but the amount of average stories in these
zines outweighs the really good ones, although the latter definitely
exists. Still, I'd recommend having these in your collection if you're
a D/M fan. Out of print, but you might try Waveney Zine Shop.
The Dawn of My Knight
is a Forever Knight/MacGyver crossover by Rimfire featuring Mac/Nick.
It's really a very intriguing plot and the characterizations are well
done. Technically it's not bad either. The format is readable although
very plain. This one almost belongs in the "best in fandom" category
and I
have to admit that it's only personal taste that's making me not place
it there. There's something not quite excellent about it, the way the
story is written. It's a perfectly readable and even memorable zine and
I do recommend getting it, but it leaves off in a bad place, making you
wonder what's going to happen next with no talk of a sequel, and that
bothers me.
Available through Lionheart Distribution.
I Can't Stand to Fly
is a Clark/Lex zine from the Smallville
fandom. I bought this one because, well.... Have you ever seen a
preview for a movie and thought, "Damn, I gotta see that!" only to find out
when you go see it that they used all the good parts in the previews? I
didn't realize that could be done with a zine, but this one showed me
it was possible.
The publishers of this one, OMD press (who appear to have dropped off
the web) had previously published the Highlander
zines I enjoyed so they had credibility with me. They also provided
extended excerpts from some of the stories in this zine. Unfortunately,
upon reading this, I found that those excerpts were the only good
things in this one. The graphics, the technical aspects, all of that
was absolutely beautiful in this zine, I have to give them that much
credit, but it didn't help with the quality of the writing. With each
story I read I kept thinking, "Surely the next one
has to be better!" But it never
was. Every story in this zine is average to borderline bad. Fortunately
there are only one or two that fall into that latter category, but
there still isn't an excellent story out of the lot. The
characterization is, in every story. In half the stories Lex
cries, wails, sobs and overall just acts like an adolescent girl and
Clark shows far too many signs of being the Big Dumb Alien. It isn't a
total OOC fest or else this one would be tossed in the "Worst in
Fandom" category, but not one author managed to grasp the
characterizations properly either. There were also cases of purpleness
in a couple of the stories and, very unfortunately, one story where the
author loved the epithets. This zine was just a huge let down, not to
mention a waste of my money.
No longer available on the web,
you can find the stories on the authors' sites.
If Only
is an A-Team, Face/Murdock AU
zine by Lamardeuse. I was already familiar with this
story from the web so I had few qualms in purchasing this zine; I knew
what I was getting. The format is good, the artwork isn't half bad and
the story is very intriguing. Actually, I want
more of this story. I would've
loved to have seen this one fleshed out and expanded by a few dozen to
a hundred pages. However, I do have a large problem with the writing
itself in that the author can't stay away from the epithets. She does
make an attempt but that makes the epithets stand out even more when
she uses them, and there are some
in there. It's very distracting from the story which deserves to shine
on its own without any pitfalls along the way.
through Lionheart
The Oak and the Cypress by Mirtai. There has yet to be a
Smallville Clark/Lex slash zine
that rates in the "best in fandom" category, but this one is the
closest yet. Well formatted, well edited and the characterizations
aren't half bad. It's an AU future zine and it covers decades in its
scope. The writing is pretty good as is the plot, but I don't know that
it's worth the $36 (within the US) it costs to get hold of this.
on Mirtai's
[Nov. 2007] What the hell was I thinking? I tried rereading this
one a couple weeks ago and could barely get through the first few
chapters. Clark and Lex act more like teenage girls than young men, the
characterizions are off all around, the point of views shift
constantly, and the plot leaves a whole lot to be desired. This still
isn't bad enough to get tossed in the worst in fandom category, but
it's most definitely on the mediocre end of the scale here.
A Plain and Simple
Zine 1 through 10 in the Star
Trek: DS9 fandom, features Garak/Bashir. These zines range from
very good to just plain acceptable, but there's hardly a truly bad
story in the lot. You will find typos and blurry text and the layout
isn't very nice to look at, but the stories are overall worth owning
the zines for. Most are out of print but what is
available can be found through Waveney Zine Shop.
As a side note, every G/B zine
I've purchased falls into this category. That includes Doctor, Tailer, Officer, Spy,
1 and 2, Mastery, and
the No Holds Barred
series. They're all worth owning if you're a G/B fan, but don't expect
anything mind-blowing in the way of quality.
Riding the Wheel of If
from the Star Wars: PM
fandom. An AU-fixit story featuring Obi-Wan. Beautiful layout and
format, lovely artwork, incredible story idea that's spun out into an
amazingly complex plot. The only thing that stops me from putting this
in the "best in fandom" category is the quality of writing between the
different authors. The main author, Mrs. Hamill, is very talented and
the other authors who contributed have much promise as well. A number
of the side stories are shaky (one borders on RPS which is a personal
squick but it also affects my rating of this zine) and even though this
isn't out of AWS presses, there are way
too many epithets here. It's all enough to keep the
zine in this category. I'd have to say that this is overall an above
average zine,
but there's just too many small things combining to keep it from being
an excellent one.
This story is also available online here,
althought the zine is better edited. Purchase information can be found
at Mrs.
Hamill's website. There is also a used copy available at Falcon Press.
Moon from the Star Wars
fandom, Luke/Han. This
zine was such an incredible disappointment. Despite the breathtaking
artwork and the lovely format, it falls straight in the "mediocre"
category here. With only a very few exceptions, the stories were poorly
plotted, badly characterized and very badly edited. In fact, I place a
great deal of blame on the editors of this zine for the mess it turned
out to be. From a "fear of said" (see the explanation of that here,
number two) to badly wrapped up plots, the editors could have done a far better job than this. Not that
the authors are blameless. In most of the stories the characters are
OOC, the dialogue clumsy, the entire plot shaky and the sex scenes
purple. Yes, there were exceptions to this, "Dragonflies" being the
most notable, but out of thirteen poems and stories with only three or
four being good? It's not worth buying. Wait a while and the stories
will be on the web, then you can choose the good ones to read. Sadly,
X-Arts who did some of the wonderful illos for this zine doesn't appear
to be on the web anymore, but you can see plenty of her illos on the Elusive Lover website. A much
more in-depth review of this zine can be found on my
LJ. If
you really can't wait or if you're a collector, it's available
through Agent With Style.
and Flannel 1 in the Smallville
fandom, Clark/Lex.
Decent layout, decent editing, not too bad on the technical writing,
but the stories are just average. Nothing special to stand out and make
it worth buying the zine, either with the stories or the format. It's
much better to wait for these to be published online. If
you really can't wait it's available through Agent With Style.
Straight to Naughtyville
1 and 2, from the Invisible Man
fandom featuring Hobbes/Fawkes. These are...nice. Nothing spectacular,
just average stories. The formatting and layout are fine, the artwork
could be better but they're overall, decent zines. Out of all the I-Man zines, these are probably the
best. Available through Agent With Style.
It's worth noting that the rest of the I-Man zines all fall somewhere
below these two in quality. Three
of Hearts, all Hobbes/Fawkes/Claire stories, might even be
considered better than Straight to Naughtyville
but it is m/m/f and that's not to everyone's tastes. The rest of the
zines go downhill in terms of writing quality until you reach anything
SuzyH has a hand in (Fawksy
and Hobbesy 1 and Never
Bail on Your Partner), which almost qualifies for the "worst in
fandom" list for blatant OOCness and purple prose. Everything
mentioned here is available through Agent With Style.
"Twilight Time" by
Shadow. Good old Spike/Xander nummyness from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer fandom. I
have to admit that this one is a guilty pleasure, a very guilty one. This was an online
in progress story for years before the author finished it and published
it in zine format. I found this one back in the dawn of S/X, back when
there wasn't much being written and this one stood head and shoulders
above most. Since then I've come to recognize the pitfalls and clichés
in S/X writing and I'm honest enough to say that this story hits nearly
every one of them. But I still love it anyway. It's probably just
nostalgia, being reminded of the "good old days" of the beginning of
S/X before the fandom was overwhelmed by fanpoodles and badfic, but
whatever it is, I went ahead and bought this zine, already knowing its
Let's be blunt about this: Buffy is OOC (Bitchy!Buffy to the extreme),
the cliché
of Victim!Xander is played for everything its worth
and then some, Spike calls Xander "pet" every other sentence, Xander's
friends are clueless jerks for the first half of the story and way too understanding about him and
Spike for the second half, his parents are abusive Neanderthals and the
requisite sexual abuse rears its head. This story also deviates from
canon drastically.
On the other hand, the author stays in one point of view through nearly
three hundred pages and that gets high points from me. She also knows a
comma from a semi-colon and how to use them. Her grammar is good and
the story itself is very
good. She knows how to tell a tale. Good layout, decent format, and
overall this was just worth buying for me. Someone new into the fandom
might not agree, but like I said, I was hooked on this one early and
it's an extremely guilty pleasure. Available
through Lionheart
The Vengeance
Trilogy (Stained Glass, Smoke and Mirrors, Sanity) by Lisa
Martin. From the Buffy the Vampire
Slayer fandom, featuring Spike/Xander. Pretty covers, decent
layout and formats, intriguing if at times very confusing story line,
but dear gods, the grammar!
Most people give non-native English speaking authors a break when it
comes to critique. I don't. In the online and publishing world today
there is absolutely no excuse for not finding a native English speaker
to help you out. That's why this trilogy gets a very mediocre review.
It's painfully obvious that neither the author nor her editor are
native English speakers. There are constant grammar errors in each zine
and with examples such as the Elusive
Lover zines written so perfectly by non-native speakers, there
just aren't any excuses for the poor quality of this trilogy. I
wouldn't recommend getting these zines; wait for them online. These
can be found through Vision Quest
Press or Agent With Style.
Just for further information, there are no S/X zines I've
found that rate above mediocre. Actually, the same can be said for
every vampire zine I've purchased, Angel
and multifandom. Body and
Soul for example, an Angel/Wesley zine, is formatted so badly
with so many typos, that if the story weren't interesting it would be
put in the "worst in fandom" category. I also wouldn't recommend
wasting your money on Love's
Bitch (a Spike zine) or Love Bites (multimedia).
Both have some good stories, but they're far outweighed by the bad ones.
I was disappointed in the
increasingly average quality of the zines I'd been purchasing, so
around 2003 I cut my zine consumption down greatly. Unfortunately, the
few zines I purchased fell into this category, and that put the nail in
the coffin of my zine addiction.
To make it into this category, a zine has to be truly abysmal. I'll
tolerate a few typos or bad formatting if a story is good, but if the
plot is paper thin, the characters horribly OOC and the writing
dreadful, then not even brilliant technical aspects or the most
beautiful artwork in the world can save it. That's when I stick the
zines here.
See It In Your Eyes
by Pantha, from the
Stargate: SG-1
fandom, J/D. I had to think about where to put this one for a couple
days. I don't actually
putting zines in this category because by doing so I'm admitting that
I've wasted both my time and money on something that I
probably wouldn't deem worthy of use as toilet paper. Although it
doesn't stretch quite that far in this case.
I'm a big
SG-1 fan, big
enough that like many other fans, I too don't care for the Jack/Sam
leanings the show took in
the last few seasons. I bought this particular zine for two reasons:
one, it's a "fixit" type of story, turning a J/S episode into a J/D
one, and two, this zine was used and cost me much less than buying it
new would have. Given my luck with the quality of zines lately, I
refuse to by a new zine anymore unless I'm very familiar with either
the author or story in advance. I think I'd have been far more upset if
I'd bought this particular one new.
The layout isn't half bad and the screencaps lean towards the artistic
with manips and creative blurring. The story is even mildly
interesting, which is what gave me pause in classifying this zine. What
finally decided it for me though was the
way this thing is written. I
strongly suspect that this author is in love with the good ole' romance
novel. Every single strongly emotional scene -- including the sex -- is
written in high purple prose, complete with the requisite throbbing
manhoods. Whenever the author makes an attempt to break away from that
style, the results are both disturbing and unintentionally humorous.
(Referring to the flaccid genitalia as a "limp mass" comes to mind.)
The sex is quite often simply unrealistic, showing a lack of knowledge
on the author's part concerning m/m sex. (One scene in particular would
require both men to be double jointed and have nerve endings in very
odd places.) The author also seems unable to
end the story, providing multiple
epilogues as though posting to a mailing list.
Overall this zine is rather immature in
the writing. There is a hint of
promise showing through here which helped in making this difficult to
classify, but I simply couldn't get over the bodice-ripper style and
lack of practical knowledge exhibited in this one. It wasn't agonizing
to read but nor was it in any way a joy. I was happy to finally get to
the end and
very happy that I
didn't pay full price.
If you really must see this one, you can find it
new at Agent
With Style or used for half price in my