Comments and Disclaimers for "Destiny"

A/N: Spike/Xander is so my OTP and if you don't give me feedback, I won't write anymore.

Pairing(s): Spike/Xander, Anya/Xander

Warnings: PG-13 'cause, OMG, no actual sex!

Disclaimers: I don't own them but I should've been hired to write for the show because I so obviously have more talent and know the characters better!

Archive: Think I'll keep this one on my site and my LJ and not spread it around. It's too speshhhull. (Oh, what the heck, NummyTreats and Step Away From My Xander can have it, too. The love should be spread.)

Summary: When the dark haired boy awoke that morning, it was with a clear understanding of what he'd been missing in his life. Suddenly, it all made sense, why he'd never been happy with the ex-demon. He was gay!

Word count: 2976


(Satire and parody are two good words to keep in mind, here. Along with a sense of humor.)