A/N: (July
2003) I've done some major editing on this, improved it
I hope, and it should read better now. I still dabble with continuing
on occasion but I wouldn't make any bets on it ever being completed. I
still think it's a wonderful idea (I could
really see some
Reg Barclay, but then I'm a huge Dwight Schultz fan), but I'm just not
so sure I have what it takes to finish it out.
(January 1999) I didn't want to post this yet since I'm still in the
middle of "Reality Squared", but if I don't do it now it's not going to
be very original in a few days -- at least from what I've read on
(revised March 2003 & 2005)
Warnings: NC-17 for graphic m/m
sex and language.
Don't own 'em, just playing with 'em for a while.
It was one thing to be
a spectator
to a fued between gods; Joxer really had no interest in becoming an