Comments and Disclaimers for "Drabbles, Flash Fiction and Shorts"

A/N: These are all drabbles (one hundred words), flash fiction (over one hundred words but no higher than five hundred) and short shorts (over five hundred words but no higher than one thousand) that I posted on my LJ and the LJ community Open on Sunday: Jossverse Drabbles. They're much too short to put on pages of their own, and in many cases, far too open-ended and unpolished, but they're also so much fun that I wanted to share. I'll continue to add more to this page as I write the little things.

Pairings(s): Spike/Xander, Anya/Xander 

Warnings: G to NC-17; BDSM, violence, het and slash.

Disclaimers: I own none of the characters represented here, I only lust after them write about them. I'm horribly poor and make no money off of this. No infringement is intended.

Archive: Only on my site.

Drabbles, Flash Fiction and Shorts