Comments and Disclaimers for "Convergence"

A/N: This was written for the NicelyNaughty!Xander Slashficathon. It's my first attempt at something more than flash fic length in this fandom and it was rather fun writing it. For once a story stayed on the path I'd planned for it. Granted, the max word count for the ficathon was supposed to be 1000, but the story just didn't want to do that. Fortunately going over was allowed or I would've had a little problem.

This is set in seventh season, sometime between "Dirty Girls" and "Chosen" although I did mess with the time frame a bit. More time passes here than actually happened in the show.

A big thank you to userinfoakinaj for betaing this on such short notice. She caught a number of embarrassing little mistakes that I just couldn't see for lack of perspective.


Warnings: R for mild language and m/m.

Disclaimers: Did you see the episode, "Spike and Xander Visit the Leather Emporium?" No? Then I guess I don't own them. 

Archive: my LJ, Nummytreats: Moist and Delicious, Step Away From My Xander and my site.

Summary: They didn't understand. Maybe they just couldn't. Xander didn't blame them, but that didn't stop it from hurting. He didn't say anything, though, not even weeks later when they still couldn't quite meet his eyes--no, eye, and that was the problem, wasn't it?

Word count: 5373
